About PlanAtom

Hi, I’m Chris Garrett, Founder of PlanAtom. My journey began in the heart of Cheshire, where I combined my tech background with hands-on experience in construction. At PlanAtom, we’re not just another data company – we’re innovators transforming the way businesses engage with planning and development opportunities.

Our Roots

Our story is rooted in our own construction business. We discovered an untapped goldmine in the planning portal – a daily source of leads just waiting to be explored. This revelation was a game-changer, flipping our approach from reactive to proactive. No longer dependent on referrals, we began to actively seek out projects. It was a strategy that paid off, leading to substantial revenue growth and a stream of well-suited projects.

The Evolution

What started as a local initiative in Cheshire quickly gained momentum. Recognizing the potential of this approach, we expanded our data aggregation nationally. The aim was simple: provide businesses across various sectors with the same opportunities that had propelled our growth.

Our Features

As PlanAtom evolved, so did our offerings. Our features are designed to cater to the diverse needs of our clients, from national boiler installers and high street kitchen suppliers to banks. We’re not just offering data – we’re providing a toolkit for success in the planning and development arena.

Meeting Diverse Needs

Use Cases

Our journey has introduced us to a variety of clients, each with unique requirements. This diversity has been instrumental in shaping our use cases page. Whether it’s finding the perfect location for a new store or identifying potential clients for large-scale installations, our data provides that critical edge.


One of PlanAtom’s key strengths lies in our ability to integrate seamlessly with existing systems. Our integrations page showcases how we tailor our solutions to fit various business models, enhancing efficiency and decision-making processes.

Forward Together

Our mission at PlanAtom is to empower businesses to make informed, proactive decisions. With a foundation built on real-world construction experience and enhanced by cutting-edge technology, we’re reshaping the landscape of planning and development data. Join us in this journey to redefine the industry standards and lead the market.

Discover PlanAtom's Game-Changing Data

Ready to transform your business? Contact us now for more information and a personalized demo.